Satya Brink
Affilierad forskare i pedagogik
Satya Brink är expert inom utbildningspolicy och utbildningssystem och har under sin karriär arbetat med området både inom akademin, inom myndighetssfären och internationellt. Hon har arbetat med projekt i Sverige, Irland, Finland, Egypten, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Nya Zeeland, Saudiarabien, Frankrike, Kuwait och Förenade Arabemiraten. Hon har arbetat åt UNESCO:s institut för livslångt lärande och även åt till exempel EU och Världsbanken.
Här är en del av Satya Brinks uppdrag:
International consultant
- Capacity building for education and skills for the Government of Senegal to ensure a skilled workforce.
- Improving education for supporting diversification of the economy in Saudi Arabia.
- Tracking trajectories of learning competencies of children up to high school and vocational education in Finland.
- International Expert member of the OECD/World Bank team on a Review of General Education in Egypt.
- International adviser to the Department of Child and Youth Affairs for Growing up in Ireland, the national longitudinal survey since 2005.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris
- Senior Advisor to the OECD Programme on Leveraging Knowledge for Better Education
- Chair, OECD PIAAC (Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies), Governing Board: 2008-2010
- Canadian Government Delegate, OECD PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) Governing Board: 2003-2008
- Canadian Government Delegate, Education Policy Committee, OECD: 2004-2010
- Canadian Delegate, Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI), OECD: 2004-2010
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Government of Canada:
- Special Advisor, Learning Policy Directorate (LPD): July 2011- December 2012
- Director, National Policy Research on Learning, Learning Policy Directorate: 2003-2010
- Director, Child, Youth and Social Development Studies, Applied Research Branch: 2000-2003
- Special Advisor, Social Development, Applied Research Branch: 1997-2000
Canadian Centre for Management Development, Government of Canada
- Faculty for government executive training: 1990-1997
- Director, South East Asia, International Programs: 1995-1996
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Government of Canada
- Senior Policy Analyst, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: 1982-1985, 1989-1990
- President, Women’s Bureau
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Adjunct Professor: 1986-2016
Brink, S. (2024). E-government impact on the grey digital divide.
Gerontechnology (pp. 1-1).
Brink, S. (2024). Literacy for those on the wrong side of the digital divide.
Brink, S. (2023). Desirable environmental policies for an aging world.
Brink, S. (2023). The Longevity Dividend: Later Life, Lifelong Learning and Productive Societies.
Cham: Springer
Brink, S. (2023). Model of environmental intergenerational learning extending to the later years.
Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica 18(2), 67-79
Alla träffar från DiVA (31)
- Affilierad forskare