Welcome to Encell
Encell, the National Centre for Lifelong Learning, is the principal national organisation responsible for conducting research in and disseminating knowledge about lifelong education and learning. Encell is run under the auspices of Jönköping University Foundation, and its organisational host is the School of Education and Communication (HLK).
Recent publications:
- Markowska, M., Ahl, H., Naldi, L. (2024). Long parental leave encourages women to start businesses. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange
- Falkner, C., Ruschkowski, A. (2024). Lärare i fritidshem och fritidsledares (sam)arbete kring undervisning i fritidshem. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
- Dybelius, A. (2024). Officeren. Stockholm: Lava Förlag
- Dybelius, A. (2024). Stadsvandring Gränna [Ljudfil].
- Dybelius, A. (2024). Förmiddag i P4 Jönköping med Magnus Nilsson [Radiosändning].
- Dybelius, A. (2024). Eftermiddag i P4 Jönköping med Sanna Hermansson [Radiosändning].
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News in Swedish
Encell provides news reporting and dissemination of information (in Swedish) concerning adult education and lifelong learning. If you have any news about lifelong learning and adult education that you would like to communicate to a Swedish audience, please send it to us and we will translate it and present it on our website. Our e-mail is encell@ju.se.