Since 2020, CeFEO participates to the Jobbsprånget program, run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

Jobbsprånget is a four-month internship (in Swedish “praktik”) programme run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). The purpose of the internship is to speed up the introduction to the Swedish labour market and to give candidates a chance to show their potential by actively matching employers with newcomer with an academic degree. 150 employers participate in 50 different locations all over Sweden.

CeFEO hosted 7 Jobbsprånget interns in Autumn 2020 (1), Spring 2021 (1), Autumn 2021 (3), and Spring 2022 (2).

Who can apply?

Jobbsprånget is intended for newcomers with an academic degree in engineering, architecture, science, pharmacy or business/finance (bachelor, master or higher degree).
You need to have proficient English language skills, both spoken and written. In order to participate you must be registered at Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish Public Employment Service).

For more information contact: Linnea Lind.

Next Call: December, 2022 (t.b.c.)