Apply for support here

If you are in need of support, please use the following link: Nais and register your request for support.

  • Log in with your account from Jönköping Univeristy or the same login that you use for and then follow the instructions.
  • You do need to attach a document (i.e. doctors certificate or similar) confirming your enduring disability.
  • Once you have made your application, you will receive an email confirming that the application has been received. The coordinator will then contact you and make an appointment for talks and agreement on appropriate support.

If you, for any reason, find it difficult to apply yourself, the coordinator may be helpful with this during the visit. You need to provide a certificate/investigation that proves disability/dyslexia.

Note! If you are a student at JIBS, you should always make your application in NAIS in English as you need to have your decision in English. Change the language via the English flag on the login page and then make your application.

If need for support arises while studying at Jönköping University, you are of course very welcome to apply for support at any time.