Events in Swedish
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Study skills- Get the most out of your studies

19 September - 19 September

13:00 - 16:00

JU Audiotorium, He102

<p>Are you new to University studies and need some tips and advice on how to study smarter? Or you just want to get tips and ideas how to be more efficient in your planning and study techniques? Then don&acute;t miss this lecture!</p><p>Bj&ouml;rn Liljeqvist has more than 10 years experience in lecturing about study skills, memory techniques and speed reading. His book about study skills has sold over 18000 copies and it is recommended by many universities throughout Sweden. Bj&ouml;rn is also involved in Mensa.</p><p>Thursday September 19th&nbsp;1-4pm&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>JU-Auditorium, He102, School of Education and Communication</p><p>No registration needed!</p>
19 September - 19 September
13:00 - 16:00


JU Audiotorium, He102


Study skills- Get the most out of your studies

Are you new to University studies and need some tips and advice on how to study smarter? Or you just want to get tips and ideas how to be more efficient in your planning and study techniques? Then don´t miss this lecture!

Björn Liljeqvist has more than 10 years experience in lecturing about study skills, memory techniques and speed reading. His book about study skills has sold over 18000 copies and it is recommended by many universities throughout Sweden. Björn is also involved in Mensa.

Thursday September 19th 1-4pm  

JU-Auditorium, He102, School of Education and Communication

No registration needed!

Organizer: Career Center

Dissertation Defence - Rahel Kebede

20 September - 20 September

09:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Title of the thesis:&nbsp;</strong><em>Ontology and Knowledge Graph-Based Product Data Representation&nbsp;for Sustainable Buildings: A Case of Data Integration and Digital Product Passport</em><br /><strong>Author of the thesis:&nbsp;</strong>Rahel Kebede<br /><strong>Third-cycle subject area:</strong>&nbsp;Machine Design<br /><strong>Faculty examiner /&nbsp;Opponent:</strong>&nbsp;Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands<br /><strong>Principal supervisor: </strong>Associate<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Professor Peter Johansson JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>Link to Zoom Webinar:&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href=""></a></p><p>Welcome to attend the defence!</p>
20 September - 20 September
09:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Dissertation Defence - Rahel Kebede

Title of the thesis: Ontology and Knowledge Graph-Based Product Data Representation for Sustainable Buildings: A Case of Data Integration and Digital Product Passport
Author of the thesis: Rahel Kebede
Third-cycle subject area: Machine Design
Faculty examiner / Opponent: Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Peter Johansson JTH, Jönköping University

Link to Zoom Webinar:

Welcome to attend the defence!

Organizer: School of Engineering

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

23 September - 23 September

12:10 - 13:10


<p>Dear colleagues,<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>You are welcome to join us for the<br /><em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;</em><br />presented by</p><p><a href=""><strong>Marc Keuschnigg</strong></a></p><p>Link&ouml;ping University</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><p><strong>Ti</strong><strong>tle:</strong> Studying urban scaling with Swedish register data</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, September 23</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-13:10</strong><br />Host: Johannes Hagen/Charlotta Mellander</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>This presentation will be given on Zoom.</p><p>Join the seminar in room B5002 or on Zoom</p><p>Zoom link: <a href=""></a></p><p>Meeting ID: 61 353 561 370</p><p>Password: BBEFS</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please use <a href="">this link</a> to <strong>sign up for bilateral talks</strong> in room B5066.<br />You can find this term&rsquo;s seminar program on our <a href="">webpage</a>.<br />&nbsp;</p>
23 September - 23 September
12:10 - 13:10




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues, 

You are welcome to join us for the
“Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”
presented by

Marc Keuschnigg

Linköping University



Title: Studying urban scaling with Swedish register data


Date: Monday, September 23
Time: 12:10-13:10
Host: Johannes Hagen/Charlotta Mellander


This presentation will be given on Zoom.

Join the seminar in room B5002 or on Zoom

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 61 353 561 370

Password: BBEFS


Please use this link to sign up for bilateral talks in room B5066.
You can find this term’s seminar program on our webpage.

Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Last date to register for course in Mindfulness!

29 September - 29 September

16:30 - 17:30

House K

<p>Mindfulness is about consciously and deliberately directing our attention, in the moment and without judging what we are experiencing.</p><p>The aim of this course is to learn to live in the here and now, focus more on what is going on in the moment and not dwell on what happened in the past or worry about the future. When practicing mindfulness, you will increase your attention span and your ability to concentrate on what is important to you. It will also help you cope with stress in a more helpful way. When participating in this course you will practice formal and informal mindfulness exercises both in class and between classes. You will develop new skills and cherish the tools you learn from this course your whole life.</p><p><strong>Course runs for three Tuesday afternoons: 1 October, 8 October and 22 October 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm.</strong></p><p><strong>More information here:&nbsp;</strong><a href=""></a></p><p>Register&nbsp;by sending us an e-mail to&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><p>Victoria Wendel, counsellor and CBT-therapist is the instructor for this course.</p>
29 September - 29 September
16:30 - 17:30


House K


Last date to register for course in Mindfulness!

Mindfulness is about consciously and deliberately directing our attention, in the moment and without judging what we are experiencing.

The aim of this course is to learn to live in the here and now, focus more on what is going on in the moment and not dwell on what happened in the past or worry about the future. When practicing mindfulness, you will increase your attention span and your ability to concentrate on what is important to you. It will also help you cope with stress in a more helpful way. When participating in this course you will practice formal and informal mindfulness exercises both in class and between classes. You will develop new skills and cherish the tools you learn from this course your whole life.

Course runs for three Tuesday afternoons: 1 October, 8 October and 22 October 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm.

More information here:

Register by sending us an e-mail to

Victoria Wendel, counsellor and CBT-therapist is the instructor for this course.

Organizer: Student Health Care

The Meeting Place at Rio!

30 September - 30 September

16:30 - 18:30


<p>It can sometimes feel difficult to make contact with new people. Then maybe the Meeting Place is the thing for you? Hopefully, you will get to know new people based on your preferences, interests and the way you interact with others. You are welcome to join us for some fika, play games or just have a chat! The event will take place in Rio every other Monday between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm!</p>
30 September - 30 September
16:30 - 18:30




The Meeting Place at Rio!

It can sometimes feel difficult to make contact with new people. Then maybe the Meeting Place is the thing for you? Hopefully, you will get to know new people based on your preferences, interests and the way you interact with others. You are welcome to join us for some fika, play games or just have a chat! The event will take place in Rio every other Monday between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm!

Organizer: Student Health Care