Content updated 2021-07-09

Appeal decision on refund of tuition fee

It is possible to appeal a decision on refund of tuition fee for special reasons.

If you are not satisfied with your decision regarding refund of tuition fee for special reasons, you can appeal the decision to the Board of Appeals at Jönköping University (HJÖN).

Write your letter of appeal addressed to:
Board of Appeals at Jönköping University

Submit the appeal within 3 weeks of the date the decision was sent to you.
Make sure you include the Invoice Reference Number stated on the refund decision or submit the full refund decision. The reference number will be used for identification purposes.

Send your appeal as an attachment by e-mail to:
Put "appeal" in the subject line. This is the fastest way to submit an appeal, especially from outside of Sweden.

Or send by post to:
Jönköping University
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1026
SE-511 11 Jönköping

Mark the envelope with "appeal".

It will then be sent on to the Board of Appeals and the Admissions Office will have no involvement in the decision-making. The Admissions Office will not be able to answer any questions regarding how long the appeal process can take.

The Board of Appeals consists of three legal counsels, the President (or the Executive Vice President) of Jönköping University, a representative from a different university, and a representative of the Student Union at Jönköping University. Their decision cannot be appealed against.

Please note that only a decision on refund of tuition fee based on special reasons can be appealed.