Content updated 2023-05-05

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out how we are expected to treat each other and those around us.

The work environment is a crucial factor for attracting and developing students and employees, and forms the basis for how JU is, and is perceived to be, a place to work and study.

A good work environment is fundamental to JU’s capacity to realise its vision, mission and strategies. JU strives to offer staff and students a safe and secure work environment that welcomes commitment, curiosity and creativity.

A work environment where all employees and students are subject to the same rights and opportunities regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, religion or other beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or age.

Everyone at Jönköping University has confidence in each other’s competence, which forms the basis of positive synergies where everyone accepts responsibility for nurturing and developing good relationships.

Code of Conduct is continuously followed up as a natural part of the organization. Management and supervisors at all levels of the organization have a particular responsibility to set a good example and promote good working conditions.

Code of Conduct Pdf, 72.2 kB, opens in new window.