SPARK Award 2023
Winner 2023
The winner of SPARK Award 2023 is project leader Johan Karltun with the project ReActS. Collaborating companies are Fagerhults Belysning AB and Scania CV.

"This year's SPARK Award 2023 goes to a project that delivered, not only project results, but also practical benefits for those on the frontlines of the industry. Through the project, conditions have been created that make industrial operations more sustainable and robust, where managers have been given concrete keys to drive operations in the right direction. The project's final product, a handbook for front-line managers, shows that research projects can lead to immediate benefit and development in the industry, with great reviews from participating companies!”
Download the handbook (in Swedish). Pdf, 8.4 MB, opens in new window.
See film clips of the nominated projects LeanCast, MAP4Light and ReActS and an i Opens in new window.nterview with the winning project team below (in Swedish).