Some of the participants in the Collaboration citizen network
Collaboration citizen network
Our mission is to innovate and improve health and social care. We aim to do this through research and education on quality improvement and change leadership, and through the use of knowledge gained. To do this successfully, we must work in partnership with those we serve. The collaboration citizen network gathers people with different experiences of health and welfare and civil society to act as our sounding board and influence research, projects and teaching through their experiences.
The members of the The collaboration citizen network are liaisons with their organizations and formal and informal networks.
The group consists of:
Johan Steirud, Funktionsrätt Jönköping
Lars Winborg
Therese Iselius
Madeleine Haglund, Hjärnkoll Jönköping
Mattias Ingeson, Erikshjälpen
Björn Lindström, Pensionärernas riksorganisation (PRO)
Sven-Inge Weidby, Pensionärernas riksorganisation (PRO)
Milvi Gotthardsson, Neuro
Emma Åverling, Neuro
Lennart Malm, Neuro
Britt Johansson, Neuro
Angela Eckerby, RPG
Sofi Fristedt, Institutet för Gerontologi
Christina Petersson, Jönköping Academy
Sofie Rotstedt, Jönköping Academy
Express you interest in joining the The collaboration citizen network >
Do you need help from the Collaboration citizen network?
Describe the project (max 150 words) that answers the questions below:
- Background and purpose of the project including how the project is co-creative.
- What will the person taking the assignment do? What experience is required? How much time is it expected to take?
- Who is asking?
- Remuneration, if not why?
Email the assignment to Sofie Rotstedt >
Feedback to the group
At the end of each semester, the group meets to reflect on the efforts made. We wish that all those who have ordered assignments from the network during the current semester are present at this meeting to tell us what has happened in the project after the group's efforts.