The External Relations Council at the School of Engineering
Contact person at the School of Engineering
If you have general questions about collaboration or if you want to do something more comprehensive, you are welcome to contact me,
Linda Bergqvist, External Relations Manager,
School of Engineering.
If you have programme-specific questions, please contact one of my colleagues below.
What does the External Relations Council work with?
Each department, except the department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, has one or more representatives in the External Relations Council who are led by the Extrernal Relations Manager.
Through collaboration, opportunities for competence supply, competence development and applied research increase. JTH is striving for a win-win situation between the university and the business community.
Industrial Placement Course
All our programmes have descriptions of the students' knowledge and skills before the Industrial Placement Course (internship).
Read more here.
The External Relations Council
Product Development, Production and Design
- Industrial and Production Management
- Product Development and Design
- Production Engineering and Management (master)
- Product Design (master)
#Product design, construction, product devemopment, automation, production, production management, economi, 3D printing, ergonomics, technical calculations and simulation, design, CAD, CAE, industrial requirements
Supply Chain and Operations Management
- Logistics and Management
- Civilingenjör i industriell produktframtagning
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Operations Management (master)
#Logistics, Operation management, Supply Chain Management, Work organization, Sustainability

Construction Engineering and Lighting Science
- Lighting Design
- Architectural Engineering
- Building Engineering/Civil Engineering
- Sustainable Building Information Management (master)
#Lighting design, lighting planning, lighting, lihgting technology, outdoor lighting, indoor lighting, LED, lighitng science, energy efficient lighting

Materials and Manufacturing
#Material properties, mechanical testing, microscopy, manufacturing technology, surface technology, modeling och simulation, casting
Computer Science and Informatics
- Computer Networking Technology
- Software Engineering and Mobile Platforms
- Embedded Systems
- New Media Design
- User Experience Design (master)
#IT, data, software development, programming, sensors, design, AI, ML, IT-infrastructure

#AI, AILab, data

Lifelong Learning, Competence Development
The School of Engineering offers a variety of education options for professionals who want to develop.
Courses, programs, and fully tailored courses. Adapted so you can combine it with your professional life.
- Premium, courses within knowledge intensive and innovative product realisation for professionals
- Smarter, courses within artificial intelligence (AI) for professionals
- WebLearn, webinars for manufacturers of components within the metal and polymer industry
- Courses for professionals
#Competence development, skills development, commissioned training, excellence, Premium, Smarter, WebLearn, competence provision, Industriresan, SPARK-ECG

Vocational Education
- Technology and Manufacturing
- Built Environment and Construction Technology
- Logistics
- Computer/IT
#Automation, CNC, EL, VA, 3D printing, Site manager, .NET, Robot, Software, Construction production manager, Electronics technician, Electrical power engineer, Electrical designer, Real estate engineer, Java developer, Site manager Construction, Logistics, Production development, Service technician, Va designer, Web developer
Within the vocational education at JTH there are many opportunities for collaboration for you as a hiring company!
You can contribute by shaping the content of an education to suit your and the industry's needs by being part in a steering committee.
You can increase your visibility as well as contribute to the implementation of the education by inviting to a study visit or holding a guest lecture for the students.
You can contribute to the students' practical learning, at the same time as you get the opportunity to meet and "try" students out in your business by offering a LIA placement (Learning in a work environment).