Mattias Elg - new visiting professor at JA
The Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare (JA) will be strengthened from June 1 when Mattias Elg takes up the position as visiting professor.

- We are happy to welcome Mattias to us, he will contribute to our profile area of quality improvement and leadership, says Christina Petersson, Director of JA. With Mattias' solid knowledge and broad competence, we further strengthen our team.
Mattias is based at the Department of Economic and Industrial Development at Linköping University. Mattias will now combine that assignment with a 20% position at JA.
- In collaboration with the Region, which is part of JA, we are planning future research projects and Mattias will be an important team player in that work, says Christina. Mattias' expertise will also come in handy in the development of courses at master and doctoral level.
- My interest in interactive approaches and co-creation has shaped my career both as a researcher and research leader, says Mattias Elg. Some examples are how care is delivered and how patients can be involved. Digital technology, such as digital self-monitoring, is an area where I see great potential.
- I also want to use my perspectives - very much based on organizational theory - to be part of improving the health system at all levels,” Mattias continues. My latest research explores how different institutional logics and organizational learning can create better care. I am particularly interested in how we can bridge the gap between policy and practice and develop the competencies that will be needed in the future. My latest book, Förstå, förutse och förbättra, combines the latest findings in decision-making and organizational behavior with Deming's quality management theories.
- With my experience and interest in research, I am confident that I can bring new and exciting perspectives to Jönköping Academy, Mattias concludes. I look forward to contributing to the development of the Academy and its students in several ways.