Changed opening hours for Service Center
Due to Covid-19, the Service Center has limited opening hours for visitors. We are open as usual online and via telephone, and we are happy to assist you via those channels.
It is important that we avoid having too many people in the premises at the same time, therefore, we ask that you please call or contact us via our online service.
If you are picking up your JU card you will have to come by the Service Center. Information about the opening hours for visitors can be found here External link, opens in new window.
If you are picking up your JU card
To limit the risk of infection, we ask that you only pick up your JU card if you need it right now. Please remember to bring a valid ID.
Opening hours on campus – starting Monday 30 November
- Mon, Tue, Wed, and Fri. at 10.00-15.00
- Thu 11.30-15.00
Please contact us if you have trouble visiting us during our opening hours and we will try to help you.
Telephone hours
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri. at 10.00-11.00
Telephone number: +46 36-101970