It’s all about technology!
I work periodically in China. Working in China makes me very fortunate! Why? In China technology moves very fast!

The fact that China moves fast leads to that I must ask ”Do we move at all?”
Yes, it’s about technology!
5G is not only about electronics, software and radiowaves! Although the development of 5G is much about this, to realise it it is manufacturing. You will be amazed by the number of components required for a 5G net.
Three years ago, the Chinese foundries started producing parts for 5G net! Radiofilters and heat sinks made through casting are cornerstones of the 5G net. So here is the question….. ”What is happening in Sweden?” The honest answer is not much! There are no mass orders for 5G components. I find that very few foundries are ready for volumes and part sizes that 5G requires.

It’s technology and weight saving!
I was surprised when I realised that weight saving was important for the 5G net! Weight saving is necessary as technology move from the ground and up the masts! I also find it very strange that nothing is moving in Sweden despite the fact that we have the best technology to realise low weight components.
Magnus Wessén and Haiping Cao invented the RheoMetal process a few years back. Our research at Materials and Manufacturing gave Sweden the required advantage through the Rheometal casting process. We set a world record a few years back in the thin-walled casting of radio filters. Our research allowed us to cast wall of 0.35 mm thick walls 5 cm high! We did this not only in an alloy made for rheocasting, but we also did this for a silicon lean casting that is seen as un-castable! This is still today unprecedented!

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