Carla G Machado

Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Outreach Champion
Societal Engagement , Jönköping International Business School
Doktor i företagsekonomi


Carla Machado är för närvarande Director of Societal Engagement vid Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) i Sverige. Hennes akademiska bakgrund inkluderar en doktorsexamen i industriell teknik, vilket understryker hennes djupa kunskap och expertis inom detta område. Vid sidan av ovan nämnda roll är hon biträdande lektor, och fokuserar i sina forsknings- och undervisningsinsatser på Sustainable Supply Chain Management inom företagsekonomi vid JIBS.

Carla har en gedigen yrkesbakgrund, vilket återspeglas i hennes engagemang för näringsliv och hållbarhet. Hon har tretton års erfarenhet inom PR, där hon effektivt har navigerat i olika industriella sammanhang. Under tre år tjänstgjorde hon dessutom som hållbarhetsrevisor för Inter IKEA AB vilket visar på hennes förmåga att kritiskt utvärdera och säkerställa hållbarhetspraxis hos en välrenommerad företagsenhet. 

len som Director of Societal Engagement på JIBS ansvarar Machado för ett brett spektrum av områden:

1. Strategisk vision och genomförande: Kontinuerlig utveckling och genomförande av strategier som främjar samhällsengagemang, allt i enlighet med JIBS övergripande, långsiktiga mål. 

2. Intressentrelationer: Främja och hantera relationer med externa intressenter, skapa partnerskap och säkerställa anpassning till JIBS uppdrag och värderingar. 

3. Akademisk support: Erbjuda support till både fakultet och studenter på JIBS och bistå dem i deras engagemang i samhälls- och hållbarhetsinitiativ. 

4. Projektledning: Leda nya projekt och övervaka initiativ som bidrar till JIBS samhällsengagemang. 

5. Extern kommunikation: Ansvarar för att underlätta effektiv extern kommunikation och för att främja öppen och konstruktiv interaktion med externa parter. 

6. Kvalitetssäkring och ackreditering: Bistå med stöd till kvalitets- och ackrediteringsavdelningen som säkrar att JIBS följer högsta kvalitetsstandarder och ackrediteringskrav i alla sina åtaganden relaterade till samhällsengagemang.


Carlas forskning fokuserar på hållbar verksamhetsstyrning, med särskilt fokus på hållbarhet i leverantörskedjan och organisatorisk digital mognad. Hennes forskning fokuserar på såväl familje- som icke-familjeföretag. Som forskare är hon knuten till Media, Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) och Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) vid JIBS. För närvarande (2022) driver hon ett forskningsprojekt om Supply Chain Sustainability in Family Firms, finansierat av CeFEO. Carla är också medlem i internationella forskningsnätverk som IPSERA ( och SC 4.0 Network (




Chari, A., Niedenzu, D., Despeisse, M., Machado, C., Azevedo, J., Boavida-Dias, R., Johansson, B. (2022). Dynamic capabilities for circular manufacturing supply chains—Exploring the role of Industry 4.0 and resilience Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(5), 2500-2517. More information
Despeisse, M., Chari, A., González Chávez, C., Monteiro, H., Machado, C., Johansson, B. (2022). A systematic review of empirical studies on green manufacturing: eight propositions and a research framework for digitalized sustainable manufacturing. More information
Machado, C., Winroth, M., Almström, P., Ericson Öberg, A., Kurdve, M., AlMashalah, S. (2021). Digital organisational readiness: experiences from manufacturing companies Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(9), 167-182. More information
Machado, C., Winroth, M., Ribeiro da Silva, E. (2020). Sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0: an emerging research agenda International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 1462-1484. More information
Machado, C., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Angelis, J., Mattioda, R. (2017). Framing maturity based on sustainable operations management principles International Journal of Production Economics, 190, 3-21. More information
Shinohara, A., Navarro Hundzinski, L., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Machado, C. (2015). O estudo do marco regulatório para produção sustentável [The study of regulatory framework for sustainable production] Revista Produção Online, 15(1), 295-320. More information
Silva, W., Machado, C., de Lima, E., da Costa, S. (2013). Engenharia de produção, gestão de operações e sustentabilidade: mapeamento intelectual do campo de estudo Produto & Produção, 14(3), 35-48. More information
Machado, C., Da Costa, S., Manfrim, P., De Lima, E. (2012). Industrial engineering, operations management and sustainability: Overview Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 9(2), 51-74. More information


Machado, C. (2015). Developing a maturity framework for sustainable operations management (Doctoral thesis, Curitiba: Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná). More information


Carpejani, P. de Jesus, É. Catapan, B. Gouvea da Costa, S. Pinheiro de Lima, E. Tortato, U. , ... Richter B. (2020). Affordable and Clean Energy: A Study on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Main Modalities. In: W. Leal Filho, P. R. Borges de Brito & F. Frankenberger (Ed.), International business, trade and institutional sustainability (pp. 615 -627). Cham: Springer More information


Rashidi, K., Machado, C. (2024). Dynamic Hybrid Purchasing Structure for Resilience in Multiunit Firms. 33rd Annual International IPSERA Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 24-27 March 2024. More information
Deneckere, K., Henssen, B., Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Machado, C. (2024). The family business as a sustainable systemic ‘irritator’ in the Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Asia-Pacific Family Business Virtual Symposium 2024, Family Business and Ecosystem Dynamics: Past, Present and Future, September 26, 2024, Perth, Australia. More information
Deneckere, K., Henssen, B., Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Machado, C. (2024). Shared purpose? The family business as a sustainable system ‘irritator’ in´the sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. 19th EIASM Workshop On Family Firm Management Research, Nurturing Responsible Owners In Purpose-Driven Business Families, Barcelona, Spain, September 30 - October 1, 2024. More information
Ericson Öberg, A., Machado, C., Stålberg, L. (2024). Diagnostics of opportunities: A dialogue tool for addressing digital factory maturity. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 11th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS2024 Trollhattan 23 April 2024 through 26 April 2024. More information
Grudzien, D., de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., da Costa, S., Machado, C. (2023). Estratégia de Operações Sustentáveis pautadas nastecnologias digitais da Indústria 4.0: proposta de ummodelo processual [Strategy for sustainable operations based on digital technologies of Industry 4.0: Proposal for a processual model]. Recife: Even3, International Conference on Production Research Americas - ICPR - Americas 2022, Curitiba, Brasil. More information
Rashidi, K., Azadegan, A., Machado, C. (2023). The interconnection between purchasing structure and supply chain resilience in multi-unit businesses. 32nd International Annual IPSERA Conference, Barcelona, Spain, April 2–5, 2023. More information
Machado, C., Ribeiro da Silva, E., Angelis, J., Lohmer, J. (2022). Blockchain-based sustainability, traceability, and compliance system: a research agenda for forestry supply chains. 31st International IPSERA Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, April 10th-13th, 2022. More information
Pardillo-Baez, Y., Sequeira, M., Machado, C., Levinsohn, D. (2022). Strategies for sustainable alternative food networks in uncertain times. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, 9th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Zagreb, Croatia, 22nd to 23rd March, 2022. More information
Machado, C. (2022). Supply chain sustainability in family firms: a conceptual framework for research impact. 17th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Family Reunion – Reconnecting and Rebuilding, Cork, Ireland, October 6-7, 2022. More information
Ragan, E., Friess, K., Machado, C., Eslami, M. (2022). The role of transparency and resilience in responsive supply chains. 31st International IPSERA Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, April 10th-13th, 2022. More information
Antai, I., Machado, C., Bergholm, P., Amaleh, P., Larsson, J. (2022). Digital Transformation in Omnichannel Manufacturing Supply Chains. 31st International IPSERA Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, April 10th-13th, 2022. More information
Iubel, D., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Machado, C., Gouvêa Da Costa, S. (2020). Assessing challenges, barriers, practices and capability towards digitalization. 2020 IISE Annual Conference, 30 May - 2 June 2020, New Orleans, USA. More information
Iubel, D., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Machado, C., Gouvea Da Costa, S. (2020). A Review Content Analysis Between Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing. Cham: Springer, 25th IJCIEOM, International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 15-17, 2019. More information
Machado, C., Almström, P., Öberg, A., Kurdve, M., Almashalah, S. (2020). Maturity framework enabling organizational digital readiness. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 9th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2020), 7-8 October 2020, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Machado, C., Winroth, M., Carlsson, D., Almström, P., Centerholt, V., Hallin, M. (2019). Industry 4.0 readiness in manufacturing companies: Challenges and enablers towards increased digitalization. 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CMS 2019; Ljubljana; Slovenia; 12 June 2019 through 14 June 2019. More information
Machado, C., Despeisse, M., Winroth, M., Ribeiro da Silva, E. (2019). Additive manufacturing from the sustainability perspective: Proposal for a self-assessment tool. 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 12-14, 2019. More information
Ribeiro da Silva, E., Shinohara, A., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Angelis, J., Machado, C. (2019). Reviewing digital manufacturing concept in the Industry 4.0 paradigm. 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 12-14, 2019. More information
Carpejani, P., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Machado, C., Bonfim Catapan, B., Deschamps, F., Loures, E. (2019). A Materialidade como Competência de Transformação Organizacional na Perspectiva de Sustentabilidade. 7th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production, Barranquilla, Colombia, June 21st and 22nd, 2018. More information
Carpejani, P., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Machado, C., Saheb, D., Vosgerau, D., Riesemberg, R. (2019). La Investigación-Acción como Instrumento de Perfeccionamiento del Proceso de Materialidad. 7th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production, Barranquilla, Colombia, June 21st and 22nd, 2018. More information
Machado, C., Winroth, M., Carlsson, D., Centerholt, V. (2019). Digitalization for sustainable production: exploring the use of digital maturity models. 6th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, 18-19 March, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Machado, C., Kurdve, M., Winroth, M., Bennett, D. (2018). Production management and smart manufacturing from a systems perspective. 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 33rd National Conference on Manufacturing Research, September 11–13, 2018, University of Skövde, Sweden. More information
Machado, C., Winroth, M., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Mattioda, R. (2018). Developing capabilities for Sustainable Operations Management. 5th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Kassel, Germany, 5-6 March, 2018. More information
Carpejani, P., de Lima, E., da Costa, S., Machado, C., Tortato, U. (2017). The contribution of the materiality process to a clean production. 24th International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2017; Poznan; Poland; 30 July 2017 through 3 August 2017. More information
Carpejani, P., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Machado, C., Da Veiga, C. (2017). The Contribution of the Process of Materiality to the Evolution of the Field of Sustainability Performance Measurement. International Joint Conference - ICIEOM-ADINGOR-IISE-AIM-ASEM (IJC 2017), Valencia, Spain, July 6-7, 2017. More information
Machado, C., Pinheiro De Lima, E., Gouvea Da Costa, S., Angelis, J., Mattioda, R. (2015). A maturity framework for sustainable operations management. 23rd International Conference for Production Research, ICPR 2015; Marriott Hotel ManilaManila; Philippines; 2 August 2015 through 6 August 2015. More information
De Lima, E., Machado, C., Kluska, R., Hundzinski, L., Rocha, L., Da Silva, E., Da Costa, S. (2014). Developing and testing a design process for sustainable indicators. IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014; Palais des Congres de Montreal159, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest Montreal; Canada; 31 May 2014 through 3 June 2014. More information
Machado, C., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Angelis, J., Rocha, L. (2014). Studying sustainability process implementation through operations management lens. 21st International Annual EurOMA Conference, 20th - 25th June, 2014, Palermo, Italy. More information
Hundzinski, L., De Lima, E., Gouvea Da Costa, S., Machado, C., Cestari, J., Kluska, R. (2013). Sustainability standards and guidelines requirements for integrated management. 22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013, Parana, Brazil, 28 July - 1 August 2013. More information
Machado, C., Pinheiro De Lima, E., Gouvea Da Costa, S., Cestari, J., Kluska, R., Hundzinski, L. (2013). Developing a sustainable operations maturity model (SOMM). 22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013; Parana; Brazil; 28 July 2013 through 1 August 2013. More information
Kluska, R., Pinheiro De Lima, E., Gouvea Da Costa, S., Machado, C., Cestari, J., Hundzinski, L. (2013). Correlation process in content analysis for a BPM modeling project. 22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013; Parana; Brazil; 28 July 2013 through 1 August 2013. More information
Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Machado, C., Drohomeretski, E. (2013). Sustainable operations maturity models characterisation. 20th International Annual EurOMA Conference, 7th - 12th June, 2013, Dublin, Ireland. More information
Machado, C., Manfrin, P., De Lima, E., Da Silva, W., De Oliveira Maciel, C. (2012). Sustainability operations management: An overview of research trends. 62nd IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2012; Orlando, FL; United States; 19 May 2012 through 23 May 2012. More information
Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Machado, C., Manfrin, P. (2012). Sustainable operations strategy: theoretical frameworks evolution. 4th Joint World Conference on Production & Operations Management / 19th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1-5 July, 2012. More information
Machado, C., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Gouvea da Costa, S., Cestari, J., Kluska, R., Hundzinski, L. (2011). Indicators Formulation Process For Sustainable Operations Management. Berlin: Springer, 5th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR) Americas, July 21-23, 2010, Bogotá, Colombia. More information
Machado, C., Albino, J., Torres, M., Orti, P., Cavenaghi, V. (2010). Implementation of a knowledge management program and its impact on the management system: Case study at an industrial company. POMS 21st Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 7 to May 10, 2010. More information
Machado, C., Cavenaghi, V. (2009). Use of life cycle assessment in sustainable manufacturing: review of literature, analysis and trends. POMS 20th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 1 to 4, 2009. More information