Arkiv 2004

Disputation: 10 december 2004
Ejermo, Olof: Perspectives on Regional and Industrial Dynamics of Innovation, JIBS DS No. 024
Disputation: 14 oktober 2004
Agndal, Henrik: Internationalisation as a Process of Strategy and Change: A Study of 16 Swedish Industrial SMEs, JIBS DS No. 023
Disputation: 20 augusti 2004
Gustavsson, Veronica: Entrepreneurial Decision Making: Individuals, Tasks, and Cognitions, JIBS DS No. 022
Disputation: 1 juni 2004
Bruns, Volker: Who receives bank loans? - A study of lending officers' assessments of loans to growing small and medium-sized enterprises, JIBS DS No. 021
Disputation: 10 maj 2004
Samuelsson, Mikael: Creating new ventures: A longitudinal investigation of the nascent venturing process, JIBS DS No. 020
Disputation: 16 januari 2004
Nilsson, Ulf: Product costing in interorganisational relationships: A supplier's perspective, JIBS DS No. 019