PhD Programmes
Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, offers four PhD programmes, in Business Administration, Economics, Informatics and Statistics. The programmes in turn have many sub areas.
Business administration
Business Administration
The doctoral programme in Business Administration is the largest one at JIBS and has a variety of different focus areas in which to write a doctoral thesis.
General syllabus for Business Administration Pdf, 208.1 kB.
Within Business Administration there is a variety of sub-subject to chose from. Areas commonly written about in doctoral theses are family business, media management and supply chain management. The latter three are represented in three of Jönköping International Business School centres.
Doctoral studies in Business Administration comprise a total of 240 credit points [120 credits for the licentiate degree, respectively], 90 [45] credit points of coursework and 150 [75] credit points for the doctoral thesis [licentiate thesis], which normally requires four [two] years (48 months) of full-time study.
Coursework for doctoral studies in Business Administration include compulsory courses as well as broadening and/or deepening elective courses.
The compulsory courses for both the licentiate and doctoral degree are
• Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics (7.5 credit points/ECTS credits),
• Scientific Method: Quantitative (7.5 credit points/ECTS credits)
• Scientific Method: Qualitative (7.5 credit points/ECTS credits).
For the doctoral degree the following course is also required:
• • Classics in Economics (3 credit points/ECTS credits)
• Classics in Accounting (3 credit points/ECTS credits)
• Classics in Organisation theory (4 credit points/ECTS credits)
• Classics in Marketing (3 credit points/ECTS credits)
• Classics in Entrepreneurship (2 credit points/ECTS credits).
Elective courses aim at providing broad and in-depth knowledge and reflect areas of research at Jönköping International Business School.
The compulsory postgraduate courses are offered at Jönköping International Business School, which also offers a number of elective courses each academic year, e.g. courses within the specific profile areas. Students may also increase their selection of elective courses by taking doctoral courses at other universities. A course examiner for a doctoral course at Jönköping International Business School needs to be at least a reader/docent.
A doctoral student is required and expected to participate in research seminars given at JIBS, including research proposal seminars and regular research seminars. The doctoral student is also required to act as opponent at another doctoral student's research proposal seminar and is expected to present his or her own work at different seminars and conferences throughout the doctoral programme. It is compulsory for the doctoral student to give at least two different presentations at seminars, i.e. the research proposal seminar and the final seminar.
Doctoral students are encouraged to spend part of their studies (normally one term) at another university in order to take postgraduate courses and/or work with their thesis.
The doctoral thesis comprises 150 credit points/ECTS credits. The student shall prepare the thesis individually. The thesis could either have the form of a compilation of articles, (see separate document for detailed requirements), or take the form of a monograph.
The Licentiate thesis comprises 60 credit points/ECTS credits. The student shall prepare the thesis individually. It can have the form of a monograph or a compilation of articles.
The thesis is written in English unless there are particular reasons for it to be written in Swedish or some other language.

The doctoral programme in Economics was one of the first doctoral programmes to start at the Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) in 1995. The programme aims at building strong, independent researchers that have a solid theoretical base and empirical skills.
General syllabus for Economics Pdf, 205.4 kB.
Postgraduate studies in Economics comprise a total of 240 Swedish credits [120 Swedish credits for the licentiate exam, respectively], 105 [52.5] Swedish credits of coursework and 135 [67.5] Swedish credits for the doctoral thesis [licentiate thesis], which normally requires four [two] years of full-time study.
The research at the economics discipline at JIBS is mostly applied where we use empirical techniques to answer research questions that are relevant both from an academic as well as from a social perspective. The economics discipline has a long tradition of high-quality research in regional economics, urban economics, and network and trade-related issues. There are many future career opportunities for doctoral students in economics within the academic sector, public organizations, financial institutions, international organizations and private firms.
Courses are split into compulsory courses and elective courses where the doctoral student can deepen his/her knowledge in a particular topic. Compulsory courses are given in collaboration within the SWEGPEC network (described below), and most of these courses are held at JIBS. The compulsory courses are as follows:
- Mathematics for Economics I
Pdf, 121.8 kB. (7.5 credits)
- Mathematics for Economics II
Pdf, 138.4 kB. (7.5 credits)
- Microeconomics I (7.5 credits) and Microeconomics II (7.5 credits)
- Macroeconomics I
Pdf, 132.1 kB. (7.5 credits) and Macroeconomics II
Pdf, 82.9 kB. (7.5 credits)
- Econometrics (15 credits)
- Classics in Economics
Pdf, 122.2 kB. (5.5 credits)
- Classics in Entrepreneurship (2 credits)
Doctoral students in Economics have the possibility of taking elective courses within the Swedish Graduate Program in Economics (SWEGPEC External link, opens in new window.) and elsewhere. SWEGPEC is a network for PhD programs in Economics at Örebro University, Jönköping University, Karlstad University, Linköping University, Linnaeus University, and Södertörn University. This cooperation enables doctoral students to broaden their network with other doctoral students and also with faculty from other universities.

The doctoral programme in Statistics is the smallest programme at JIBS but also one of the newest ones. It started in 2006 and the first doctor graduated from the programme in Spring 2011.
General syllabus in Statistics Pdf, 193.6 kB.
Postgraduate studies in Statistics comprise a total of 240 Swedish credits [120 Swedish credits for the licentiate degree, respectively], 90 [45] Swedish credits of course work and 150 [75] Swedish credits for the doctoral thesis [licentiate thesis], which normally requires four [two] years of full-time study.
The course work for postgraduate studies in Statistics includes compulsory courses comprising a total of 36 Swedish credits as well as broadening and/or deepening elective courses.
The compulsory courses for both the licentiate and doctoral degree are Statistical Inference Theory (15 credits) and Probability Theory (15 credits).
The elective courses, which aim at broad and in-depth knowledge, comprise a maximum of 60 [30] Swedish credits. The elective courses offered are focusing on business statistics. Of the elective credits, a maximum of 15 [15] Swedish credits can be given for scientific project work.
Furthermore, doctoral candidates in Statistics have the possibility of taking courses within the Swedish Network Research for Graduate and Undergraduate Education in statistics (GRAPES). The network is a cooperation between the departments of Statistics at Linköping University, Lund University, Stockholm University, Stockholm Business School, Umeå University, Linné University and Örebro University and JIBS. For more information about these courses, please visit their home page:
Research and dissertation work within the Statistics programme at JIBS focus on various aspects of developing inference and decision making methods within, e.g., multivariate analysis, model based and model independent time series analysis, multi level analysis and micro econometrics. For further information of the Statistics programme contact Kristofer Månsson.
For more information about the programme please see the curriculum in Statistics.