Archive 2010

Doctoral Thesis Defence, 10 December, School of Health Sciences
Algurén, Beatrix: Functioning after stroke - a longitudinal application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Faculty opponent: Professor Lotta Widén-Holmquist.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 19 November, School of Health Sciences
Nilsson, Stefan: Procedural pain in children - experiences, assessments and possibilities to reduce pain, distress and anxiety in relation to the procedure
Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Ingrid Berg.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 29 October, Jönköping International Business School
Borgström, Benedikte: Supply chain strategising: Integration in practice
Faculty opponent: Luis Araujo, Professor, Lancaster University, UK.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 22 October, Jönköping International Business School
Palmberg, Johanna: Family Ownership and Investment Performance
Faculty opponent: B. Burcin Yurtoglu, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Vienna
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 10 September, School of Health Sciences
Lindmark, Ulrika: Oral Health and Sense of Coherence
Faculty opponent: Professor Erik Skaret, Oslo Universitet.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 10 September, School of Health Sciences
Josefsson, Eva: Immigrant background and orthodontic treatment need
Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Viveca Brattström, Karolinska Institutet.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 10 June, Jönköping International Business School
Raviola, Elena: Paper meets Web: How the institution of news production works on paper and online. Faculty opponent: Lars Engwall, Uppsala universitet.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 28 May, Jönköping International Business School
Ots, Mart: Understanding value formation - A study of marketing communications practices at the food retailer ICA. External link, opens in new window.
Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Arto Rajala, Aalto University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 26 March, Jönköping International Business School
Johansson, Sara: Knowledge, Product Diffrentiation and Trade
Faculty opponent: Professor Volker Nitsch, Technische Universität Darmstadt.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 26 March, School of Health Sciences
Harnett, Tove: The Trivial Matters: Everyday power in Swedish elder care External link, opens in new window.
Faculty opponent: Professor Jaber F. Gubrium, University of Missouri Columbia.