Archive 2005

Doctoral Thesis Defence: 19 September 2005, Jönköping International Business School
Karlsson, Tomas: Business Plans in New Ventures: An institutional perspective, JIBS DS No. 030
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 22 August 2005, Jönköping International Business School
Nordqvist, Mattias: Understanding the role of ownership in strategizing: A study of family firms, JIBS DS No. 029
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 17 June 2005, Jönköping International Business School
Blombäck, Anna: Supplier brand image, a catalyst for choice - Expanding the B2B brand discourse by studying the role corporate brand image plays in the selection of subcontractors, JIBS DS No. 028
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 8 June 2005, Jönköping International Business School
Brunninge, Olof: Organisational Self-understanding and the Strategy Process - Strategy Dynamics in Scania and Handelsbanken, JIBS DS No. 027
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 18 March 2005, Jönköping International Business School
Hilling, Maria: Free Movement and Tax Treaties in the Internal Market, JIBS DS No. 026
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 4 March 2005, Jönköping International Business School
Barenfeld, Jesper: Taxation of Cross-Border Partnerships: Double-Tax Relief in Hybrid and Reverse Hybrid Situations, JIBS DS No. 025