Industrial Placement Course

To give our students a clear connection between theory and practice we have created the Industrial Placement Course (IPC).
The Industrial Placement Course (IPC) is a unique opportunity for you as a company to make contact with our students during their education. The course makes the students better prepared for their future work life, which is beneficial both for them and for you as a potential future employer.
To give our students a clear connection between theory and practice we have created the IPC course. In this course the student has between five and ten weeks’ internship in a company or another organization. The purpose is to give the student an understanding of future work tasks and how these are related to his or her own education.
Why is the IPC good for you as a company?
Through the IPC you can get to know a student during a longer period and introduce her or him in your company. The internship period may become the starting point for continued cooperation through for example projects and the final thesis. When the student has finished her or his education, you have the chance to employ an engineer whom you already know and who is also familiar with your business.
What can the student do?
Depending on what programme the students attend and what grade they are in, they have different skills and competences. That gives a wide range of assignments that they may undertake. Here are some examples of possible assignments:
- Participate in and contribute with knowledge to an ongoing project.
- Conduct a study of an ongoing production process.
- Try out a number of different practical tasks with relevance for their education.
- Contribute with skills development in the company based on the student’s earlier courses and experiences.
The student and the employer together set up suitable work tasks for the internship based on current needs and possibilities. The tasks must relate to the courses that the student have taken earlier during his or her education. You can find guidelines for what competences the students are expected to have and what courses they should have taken before the internship in our education plans, which are divided by programme and profile.
What role do you as an employer have?
To make the internship period as fruitful as possible for both parties, you as an employer need to
- provide a physical work place.
- offer a few weeks’ relevant, stimulating and developmental work tasks.
- give necessary introduction and information around for example safety and working conditions.
- provide a mentor who can be a support during the internship.
The mentor is usually also the person in contact with the School of Engineering. He or she should be able to have regular contact with the student and should be well informed in the student’s work tasks.
For larger assignments you may consider receiving a group of students instead of one single student. This is up to you as employer to decide.
The student is responsible for the realization of the internship, i.e. to find an employer and to carry out the work within the given time frames. In addition to the mentor at the company, the student also has a contact person at the School of Engineering for support.
Where can the IPC be conducted?
There is no geographical limit for the choice of employer. The internship can be carried out in any part of Sweden as well as abroad. Normally, no financial compensation is provided for travel, living etc.
How do you find students?
Meeting places
If you are interested in receiving one or more students for internships and wish to get in contact with our students, you are welcome to participate in one of the following fairs:
- Karriärum – HI WORK – reoccurring in November each year
- Xjobbsmässan – reoccurring in June each year
Adverts to students
On JobTeaser Opens in new window. you may place adverts on internships, summer jobs, theses etc. that are aimed at our students.