Andreas Friberg, Jönköping University, Maria Cannerborg, Region Jönköpings län, Simon Klintefors, Jönköpings kommun och Mats Palmérus, Jönköping Energi during the Climate Day.
How can the climate impact of the health and welfare sector be reduced?

Axel Ros, one of those responsible for the day from JA.
The fifth largest source of emissions in the world comes from healthcare. To discuss this major challenge, an inspiration day was held on 28 February at Jönköping University (JU) on the transition in health and welfare to both reduce climate impact and adapt operations to the changing climate.
The day was organized by Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare (JA) together with Kommunal utveckling Jönköpings Län. JA is a centre that is run in collaboration between JU and Region Jönköping County (RJL).
"Just like society in general, the healthcare system must change its way of working to meet the challenges. With this day, we want to show why this is important and show ways to do it. We hope to stimulate development and research work on this in RJL, the thirteen municipalities in the county and JU," says Axel Ros, one of those responsible for the day from JA.
Single-use materials account for a large share of emissions

Sofia Lantz, environmental representative at the neonatal department at RJL.
Emissions of greenhouse gases come mainly from the use of materials, mainly disposable materials, as well as pharmaceuticals and energy for heating, cooling and business operations, as well as transportation of goods, laundry and travel. Something speakers from RJL and Jönköping Municipality brought up, both of which have mapped their emissions in order to be able to work preventively. There were about 100 participants who took part in both research and how businesses in the region work with the climate issue.
"The day has provided much inspiration and knowledge about what we can do together. It has led to discussions on how we can reduce the use of plastic and disposable materials," says Sofia Lantz, environmental representative at the neonatal department at RJL.