Nextstep career fair held for 30th year
On Tuesday, February 27, the Campus Arena at Jönköping University (JU) was filled with carpets, balloons, mingle tables, stands and above all – lots of visitors. It was time for the annual career fair Nextstep, a meeting place for students and companies to discuss jobs, internships and opportunities.

The doors to the fair opened at 10:00 and it didn't take long before noise levels rose and the networking got underway. With over 30 different companies on site and several representatives in the exhibition stands, the students had good opportunities to ask their questions about jobs and careers.
Watch the film below to hear about the student's thoughts of Nextstep.

Niclas Törnbrink was part of the project team and where making sure everything was under control during Nextstep.
Nextstep has been organized since 1994, for 30 years, by the JIBS Student Association (JSA) at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS). The project group's logistics manager Niclas Törnbrink was satisfied with today's results and stressed the importance of good planning.
"The most important thing for Nextstep to be as good as possible is to plan properly, have a backup plan and to come here with a solution-oriented approach," says Niclas.
"Many associate us with engineers"
Husqvarna Group AB was one of the exhibitors that attracted many curious students who wanted to talk about everything from jobs after graduation to internships and summer jobs. The company see Nextstep as a good opportunity for their own marketing, but above all to find new talent in the form of students from JU.
“It's a good way for us to talk about what we stand for, to show what we can offer and to find future employees. It feels like a win-win situation, because we also get the opportunity to show that we’re not only looking for engineers, which many associate us with,” says Emelie Hassel, Account Payable Manager at Husqvarna Group.

Emelie Hassel, Elvira Hendeby och Caroline Karlsson represented Husqvarna Group AB at Nextstep.
Husqvarna sees JU's international character and the fact that a large part of the teaching conducted at JU is in English as some of the reasons why they are interested in the students.
“We really believe in being as international as we can and the importance of diversity within our business. We want people from different parts of the world to work with us,” concludes Emelie.