Learn more about JU’s exciting research – welcome to JU LIVE
Jönköping University (JU) conducts very interesting and socially beneficial research. On four occasions this spring, starting on 29 February, you can take part in that research. JU LIVE, as the lecture series is called, is free of charge, held in the university library, and open to all interested parties.
For many years, JU, together with Folkuniversitetet*, has invited the public to open lectures. Since autumn 2023 the recurring event is called JU LIVE. There are four lectures per semester and all the lecturing researchers are from JU’s four schools: the School of Education and Communication, the School of Health and Welfare, the School of Engineering, and Jönköping International Business School. The lectures are held in the JU library and is free of charge. The listeners are offered free coffee and cake, and the arrangement always takes place between 16.00-17.00 in the afternoon.
Folkuniversitet has been a partner since the beginning
“An important task for Folkuniversitetet is to make current research accessible and understandable to the public, while at the same time highlighting and supporting local researchers. Spreading knowledge to more people increases the chances that you can influence your life situation, and this is something that we at Folkuniversitetet think is important, says Viktor Ahlgren, site manager/activity developer at Folkuniversitetet Jönköping.
First lecture on 29 February
First up, on Thursday 29 February at 16:00, is Anders Dybelius, Assistant Professor in History at the School of Education and Communication at JU. The title of Dybelius’ lecture is “The Lieutenant General who saved Sweden when the Russians came” and it will be about Georg Carl von Döbeln who played a crucial role in saving Sweden as a nation.
“JU LIVE offers a great opportunity for us to invite and share what we work with at the schools. This spring we offer Russian history, deaf elderly care, cyber security, and pension – not in a blissful mix but exactly in the order mentioned. We hope that the people of Jönköping and the surrounding area are proud of the university and curious about our research,” says Kajsa Haag, Assistant Professor in Business Administration at Jönköping International Business School, who is involved in organizing JU LIVE.
Fact box
All JU LIVE events are held in the university library’s JMW hall at 16.00 - 17.00.
Please note that all the lectures will be held in Swedish.
Dates and titles:
29 February - The Lieutenant General who saved Sweden when the Russians came.
Anders Dybelius
21 March - Unique project improves care for elderly deaf people
Yashar Mahmud
24 April - Easy ways to protect yourself online
Joakim Kävrestad
23 May - How to navigate the pension system
Johannes Hagen
Register here for free coffee: ju.se/julive
* Folkuniversitetet is an adult educational association that offers a wide range of adult education all over Sweden.