Alumni of the Year celebrated at Jönköping University
On 5 October, the ceremony was held where five former students from Jönköping University (JU) were praised for their efforts. Mats Jackson, Executive Vice President at JU, together with representatives from the five schools presented the awards to the alumni. After the award ceremony, a panel discussion was held with the award winners.
“The ceremony was very successful. It was nice that all five prize winners were present and could receive their prizes in person, and that the event was well-attended. Our alumni are incredibly important to us at JU, and it makes sense to be able to pay attention and give recognition to them. The alumni from JU are important role models for prospective and current students, but also for companies. They are simply very good ambassadors,” says Mats Jackson.
The award winners
School of Health and Welfare – Eva-Karin Hultgren
School of Education and Communication – Lovisa Lidåker
Jönköping International Business School – Charlotte Amnebjer Nordqvist
School of Engineering – Lina Horndahl
Jönköping University Enterprise – Sueun Jeon

From the left: Eva-Karin Hultgren, Lovisa Lidåker, Charlotte Amnebjer Nordqvist, Sueun Jeon and Lina Horndahl.
The ceremony, which was also livestreamed, began with Mats Jackson talking about JU's collaboration and why alumni are so important to JU. He then welcomed one alumnus at a time, read the rationale and a representative from each school handed out the award to "their" alumnus.

The panel discussion with the prize winners.
Andreas Torén, Head of Department at Student Counselling Service, then held a panel discussion with the prize winners. One of the questions was about the most important thing the alumni learned during their time studying at JU.
Lina Horndahl talked about how she had learned how important it is to cooperate with other people. Sueun Jeon was on the same track, that you learn a lot about yourself when you are together with other people, and that you complement each other. Eva-Karin Hultgren learned to take care of and help other people, something that has become a guiding light for her in life. Lovisa Lidåker and Charlotte Amnebjer Nordqvist highlighted that they learned to understand context based on theories in order to really apply them.