JU research centre forms new European network

CeFEO at Jönköping International Business School is co-founder of a new network of the top family business research centres in Europe. The EuFBC (European Family Business Research Centre Network) was launched this autumn, creating a common platform for presenting and debating state-of-the art research on family business.
The EuFBC is the first ever European-based research network of family business research centres. The idea came about through a dialogue between CeFEO Director Massimo Baù and representatives of the Family Business Center at the University of Bolzano (Italy), who together invited several colleagues representing other renowned institutions to join the dialogue.

CeFEO Director, Massimo Baù.
“Our colleagues from Bolzano were planning to visit JIBS for a research seminar, but the trip was cancelled due to Covid. The seminar was presented online instead, and we immediately recognized the potential of structuring this collaboration with other top centres. So, we called onboard our partners in different research projects, and EuFBC was born,” says Massimo Baù.
EuFBC is designed with the aim of developing joint initiatives within a European landscape. The first initiative consists of a digital platform where high-quality family business studies are shared. Every two weeks, a study is presented in an hour-long lunch seminar followed by in-depth feedback and discussion.
“We have had more than 50 scholars at each seminar. The presenters appreciate the interaction with truly qualified participants and the feedback they receive. Those attending the seminars also expressed a very high appreciation for the quality of the presentations and the novelty of the topics, which explore new directions for family business research,” says Massimo Baù.
So far, 13 research centres from 9 different European countries have joined the initiative, and the feedback has been very positive. The hope for the future is that network members can collaborate in research projects and shared initiatives in doctoral education, and give mutual support for outreach activities, projects and funding applications.
EuFBC seminars are scheduled every other Wednesday at lunchtime (12:00-13:00). They are hosted online and are open to presenters and audience members working ar the co-hosting institutions. External participants can request an invitation to attend the seminar as a guest.