JTH students light up Slottsparken in Huskvarna

Tomorrow night Lighting design students at the School of Engineering will light up the Castle park in Huskvarna.
26 September in the evening, Lighting design students at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University, and Jönköping Municipality will light up the Castle park (Slottsparken) in Huskvarna. The event is called September Light (Septemberljus), and i is free, open for everyone and corona-adapted.

The Ligting design student Silas Ternström promises that September Light will be spectacular with unexpected constructions and cool lighting.
“The Castle park is incredibly beautiful and with the students' lighting there on Saturday night, it will be Cmagical”, says Kharin Abrahamsson, course coordinator for the course in the Lighting Design Program where September Light is included.
20 students studying the second year of the Lighting Design program at JTH build and set up the light exhibition. One of them is Silas Ternström, who thinks the greatest thing about September Light is being able to create installations they would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise.
“It gives us creative space to try cool things without any regulations or rules to follow,” says Silas Ternström.
He hopes to impress the September Light visitors and increase interest in lighting. He promises that September Light will be spectacular with unexpected constructions and cool lighting. Kharin Abrahamsson invites the public to an illuminated walk in an exciting environment in the Castle park.
“I hope that the September Light visitors will have a pleasant and happy experience in the autumn darkness,” she says.
Kharin Abrahamsson and the students who participate in September Light will be present in the Castle park tomorrow night to answer questions about the lighting design program and more. Kharin Abrahamsson has supported the students during their work with September Light and says that she wants them to feel free in the creative process and make something on their own.
“The most fun is to see the students' creativity in their work,” she says.
Guided tours through the park - with social distancing
For the September Light event, the Castle park has been divided into four areas, which are illuminated in different ways. The visitors will be able to vote on which contribution they like best. Among those who vote for the winning team, a winner will be drawn and receive a free light consultation in their home or garden.
The lighting design students offer guided tours through the illuminated parts of the Castle park tomorrow night. Due to current corona restrictions, visitors will be divided into groups of ten people. The tours will take place every few minutes and will be shorter than usual.
“In this way, we can control the number of visitors who are in the Castle park,” says Kharin Abrahamsson.
The guided tour ends at Hotel Slottsvillan, which is opening up its wine cellar and offers food and drink in a charming setting.
September Light is arranged for the sixth time and available for public viewing at 7pm until midnight on Saturday 26 September.