JU celebrates
International Women's Day with lecture series
Jönköping University, in partnership with the Soroptimist Club, will be holding a series of public lectures to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March.
The lecture series It’s all about you and me! will take place over three days, from 7-9 March, at Jönköping University. Five guest lecturers from Jönköping University, the Soroptomist Club, RealStars, Länsstyrelsen and Region Jönköpings Län will be giving lectures on the topics of equality, participation and dignity.
The lectures are open to the public and take place at the following times:

Sara Nilsson
Vilka effekter får bristande jämställdhet på individen, gruppen och uppgiften?
Sara Nilsson, Equal Opportunities consultant, www.jamsa.se External link, opens in new window.
7 March, 17.00-17.45
B1033, Jönköping International Business School

Tobias Rahm
Hur hållbart är skyddet för mänskliga rättigheter utifrån ett nationellt och regionalt perspektiv?
Tobias Rahm, Länsstyrelsen, www.lansstyrelsen.se External link, opens in new window.
8 March, 12.00-12.45
University Library

Eivor Blomqvist and Malin Skreding Hallgren
Vad gör man när patienten är den som kränker?
Eivor Blomqvist and Malin Skreding Hallgren,
Region Jönköpings Län, www.rjl.se External link, opens in new window.
8 March, 16.30-17.15
Forum Humanum, School of Health and Welfare

Roger Sandberg
JU’s work with professional behaviour.
(lecture in English)
Roger Sandberg, Jönköping University
School of Health and Welfare
9 March, 12.00-12.45
Hb 116, School of Education and Communication

Sara Johansson
Fair Sex är sex på lika villkor och ömsesidig respekt.
Sara Johansson, RealStars, www.realstars.eu External link, opens in new window.
9 March, 13.00-13.45
Hb 116, School of Education and Communication