Opening hours during the summer

Irregular opening hours on campus during the summer.
Service center
Open for visitors 12 June to 18 August: Monday to Friday 10 am to 2 pm. See phone hours here. External link, opens in new window.
Caretakers office
Open 7 am to 4 pm all through summer.
University library
12 June – 18 August: open 10 am to 4 pm Monday - Friday (closed 23 -June)
21–25 August: open 8 am to 6 pm Monday-Friday
See opening hours here External link, opens in new window.
The rest of the library building (study rooms, computer rooms) are open at all times. You need a JU-card and access code to get in.
IT Helpdesk
26 June to 18 August: Phone hours Monday - Friday 9 am to noon and 1 pm to 3 pm. The service desk is closed. Report problems at all hours here.
Accomodation office
12 June to 30 June: Reception in Service Center Mondays and Thursdays 1 pm to 2 pm.
3 July to 28 July: Closed, but we will read emails periodically.
31 July to 11 August: Reception in Service Center Mondays and Thursdays 1 pm to 2 pm.
17–19 July: Phone hours for from 9 am to noon
Registrar's office and archive
Office hours all summer from 9 am to noon and from 1 pm to 3 pm. Email:
26 June – 7 July, +46 36 10 11 64
10 July – 14 July , +46 36 10 11 64, +46 36 10 10 82
17 July – 21 July, +46 36 10 10 82
24 July – 11 August, +46 36 10 13 44
14 August – 18 August, +46 36 10 10 82, +46 36 10 11 64
Student health care
Closed 16 June - 20 August.
Study councelling
Reach us via all summer.
Career Center
Closed from 26 June, re-opens on 14 August.
Study administration
Closed 17–21 July.
Admissions office
Office hours all summer. You can reach us at +46 36 10 10 50.
International Relations Office
Closed 10-11 July and 17-30 July.
Reach us at or Limited service during summer.
Restaurants and cafés
Café Arken, School for Education and Communication: Closed 19 June - 20 August
Taste of Beirut, JIBS: Closed 14 June - 20 August
Rio: Closed 12 June -13 August
Café Traversen, University Library: Closed 1 June - 20 August
Opponenten, School of Healt and Welfare: Closed from 14 June. Time for re-opening has not been set.