Research on the digitalization of the society
Yesterday, representatives from the eight universities in West Sweden and from Region Västra Götaland gathered to discuss issues related to the digitalization of the society. West Sweden’s leading researchers and public players have comprehensive competence within this field. This is of great importance when facing the challenges that are prioritized by the government during the coming years.

During the whole-day meeting, the development of society and challenges related to citizenship, working life and innovation were discussed under the theme “Research on the digitalization of the society: citizenship, working life and innovation”. The seminar is part of a long-term collaboration between the eight universities, which are University of Gothenburg, University of Borås, University of Skövde, Karlstad University, University West, Chalmers, Halmstad University and Jönköping University.
The purpose of the meeting was to show the extensive research and development work connected to digitalization of the public sector, which is going on in West Sweden, and to discuss possible future paths of development and challenges.