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Kunskapsrepresentation och den semantiska webben (Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web) 7,5 hp

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


The course teaches students to develop and utilize linked data graphs and semantic ontologies for purposes of knowledge modelling, enabling homogenous knowledge representations and data integration across distributed underlying systems. Such knowledge representations can be utilized in a multitude of domains, including document management and search, intelligent agents, smart buildings, biomedical research, web searching, e-retailing, etc.

The course includes the following elements:
- Data graphs with RDF
- The Semantic Web – established tools and datasets
- Ontologies and Description Logic
- Ontology Engineering
- Utilizing RDF and OWL in software development


The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering (with relevant courses in computer engineering), or equivalent, or passed courses at least 150 credits from the programme Computer Science and Engineering. The bachelor’s degree should comprise a minimum of 15 credits in mathematics. Proof of English proficiency is required.

Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: TSWR21
Kursen ges vid: Tekniska Högskolan
Senast ändrad 2021-09-01 10:14:34