Håkan Nilsson

Universitetsadjunkt i pedagogik
Avdelningen för pedagogik , Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation


Nilsson, H., Kazemi, A. (2023). The bright triad of mindful leadership: An alternative to the Dark Triad of leadership Psychology of Leaders and Leadership, 26(1), 67-91. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Consolation management aesthetics within holistic nursing Holistic Nursing Practice, 37(4), E53-E58. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Vanligaste yogaformen i väst hjälper mot stress och ger dig ökad rörlighet Yoga för dig. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). The four-dimensional model of mindful sustainable aging: a holistic alternative Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 35(4), 430-454. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Meditativ vandring - att uppmärksamma det inre landskapet Idrottsmedicin, 44-45. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Att springa för livet - Buddhistiska ultramaratonlöpare Idrottsmedicin, 44-45. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Bastubad - motion för hela människans hälsa? Idrottsmedicin, 52-53. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Existentiell ångest och den tragiska treklövern i ljuset av ungas psykiska ohälsa Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 100(1), 100-110. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Till frågan om ett holistiskt välbefinnande: Om friska yngre äldres tillgång till en meningsfull fritid Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 100(2), 300-312. More information
Nilsson, H. (2022). Spiritual Self-Care Management for Nursing Professionals: A Holistic Approach Journal of Holistic Nursing, 40(1), 64-73. More information
Nilsson, H. (2022). Social workers as an action-oriented sociotherapist: an existential health discourse Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 41(4), 425-436. More information
Nilsson, H. (2022). "Don't worry, be mindful" Idrott & Kunskap, 43-47. More information
Nilsson, H. (2021). Mindfulness as a tool for ADHD drivers: a comparative study of higher levels of self-awareness Journal of Disability & Religion, 25(2), 225-238. More information
Nilsson, H., Kazemi, A. (2021). “Mindful” Human Resource Management: Combining Buddhist Principles of Enlightenment with Diversity Management , 14(2). More information
Nilsson, H. (2020). Taking a mindful run with Murakami: A (hermeneutic) phenomenological approach Contemporary Buddhism, 21(1-2), 351-368. More information
Nilsson, H. (2018). Existential social work and the quest for existential meaning and well-being: A conceptual framework Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 37(1), 64-76. More information
Nilsson, H. (2017). Cultivating Mindfulness Through The Practice Of Iaidō Contemporary Buddhism, 18(1), 37-46. More information
Nilsson, H., Kazemi, A. (2016). From Buddhist sati to Western mindfulness practice: A contextual analysis Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work, 35(1-2), 7-23. More information
Nilsson, H. (2016). Socioexistential mindfulness: Bringing empathy and compassion into health care practice Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 3(1), 22-31. More information
Nilsson, H., Kazemi, A. (2016). Reconciling and thematizing definitions of mindfulness: The big five of mindfulness Review of General Psychology, 20(2), 183-193. More information
Nilsson, H., Kazemi, A. (2016). Mindfulness Therapies and Assessment Scales: A Brief Review International Journal of Psychological Studies, 8(1), 11-19. More information
Nilsson, H., Andersson, G. (2016). Mindfulness – terapier och paradoxer Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 93(1), 106-112. More information
Nilsson, H. (2016). Mindful hållbart åldrande – holistiskt åldrande i ny belysning Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 93(6), 692-703. More information
Nilsson, H., Bülow, P., Kazemi, A. (2015). Mindful sustainable aging: Advancing a comprehensive approach to the challenges and opportunities of old age Europe's Journal of Psychology, 11(3), 494-508. More information
Nilsson, H. (2014). A four-dimensional model of mindfulness and its implications for health Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 6(2), 162-174. More information
Nilsson, H. (2013). How Mindfulness Becomes Mindlessness – A Hermeneutical Approach Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 1(4), 187-196. More information


Nilsson, H. (2015). Conceptualizing and contextualizing mindfulness: New and critical perspectives (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information


Nilsson, H. (2007). Hjärnans signalsystem metodologi och funktion. In: Aadu Ott & Carl E. Olivestam (Ed.), Neurodidaktik: Om hjärnvägar och knutpunkter (pp. 19 -29). Göteborg: Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Neurodidaktiska kollegiet, Göteborgs universitet More information


Nilsson, H. (2014). Making Mindfulness: Highlighting the Social and Existential Dimensions (Licentiate thesis). Göteborgs universitet More information