Ibrahim Yitmen

Associate Professor


Ibrahim Yitmen received his PhD in Building Technology-Construction Management from Istanbul Technical University-Turkey Faculty of Architecture in 2002. He spent 11 years as a faculty member at European University of Lefke-North Cyprus where he has been appointed as Associate Professor of Project and Construction Management. In 2014, he joined to Eastern Mediterranean University-North Cyprus and served as the coordinator of Construction Management Division at Department of Civil Engineering. He has been employed at the School of Engineering in Jönköping University since February 2018, as an Associate Professor of Management in Construction Production. 


Ibrahim Yitmen's research focus is mainly on Innovation in Construction involving socio-technical issues regarding digital transformation in AEC industry. Recent special interest is on BIM-Enabled Cognitive Computing for Smart Built Environment, Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality for Cognitive Buildings, Blockchain Technology in Construction, Automated BIM-based Construction Project Progress Monitoring, Multi-Criteria Approach for Value-Driven Design in Industrialized Residential Multi-Storey Timber-Building, Risk Assessment and Stakeholders Engagement in Large -Scale Transport Infrastructure Projects. 


Almusaed, A., Yitmen, I., Myhren, J., Almssad, A. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Recycled Building Materials on Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: A Comprehensive Framework for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Buildings, 14(6). More information
Akıner, M., Akıner, İ., Yitmen, I. (2024). Predicting the critical organizational behavior and culture of the Turkish construction industry's occupational groups for determining the success of the construction business Heliyon, 10(12). More information
Tavakoli, P., Yitmen, I., Sadri, H., Taheri, A. (2024). Blockchain-based digital twin data provenance for predictive asset management in building facilities Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13(1), 4-21. More information
Hellenborn, B., Eliasson, O., Yitmen, I., Sadri, H. (2024). Asset information requirements for blockchain-based digital twins: a data-driven predictive analytics perspective Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13(1), 22-41. More information
Yitmen, I., Almusaed, A., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2024). Facilitating Construction 5.0 for smart, sustainable and resilient buildings: opportunities and challenges for implementation Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. More information
Almusaed, A., Yitmen, I., Almssad, A., Myhren, J. (2024). Construction 5.0 and sustainable neuro-responsive habitats: Integrating the Brain–Computer Interface and Building Information Modeling in smart residential spaces Sustainability, 16(21). More information
Alizadehsalehi, S., Yitmen, I. (2023). Digital twin-based progress monitoring management model through reality capture to extended reality technologies (DRX) Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 12(1), 200-236. More information
Yitmen, I., Kovacic, I., Tagliabue, L. (2023). Editorial: Cognitive digital twins for facilitating construction 4.0: Challenges and opportunities for implementation Frontiers in Built Environment, 9(16 January). More information
Almusaed, A., Yitmen, I. (2023). Architectural Reply for Smart Building Design Concepts Based on Artificial Intelligence Simulation Models and Digital Twins Sustainability, 15(6). More information
Kor, M., Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2023). An investigation for integration of deep learning and digital twins towards Construction 4.0 Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 12(3), 461-487. More information
Yitmen, I., Almusaed, A., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2023). Investigating the Causal Relationships among Enablers of the Construction 5.0 Paradigm: Integration of Operator 5.0 and Society 5.0 with Human-Centricity, Sustainability, and Resilience Sustainability, 15(11). More information
Almusaed, A., Almssad, A., Alasadi, A., Yitmen, I., Al-Samaraee, S. (2023). Assessing the Role and Efficiency of Thermal Insulation by the "BIO-GREEN PANEL" in Enhancing Sustainability in a Built Environment Sustainability, 15(13). More information
Almusaed, A., Almssad, A., Yitmen, I., Homod, R. (2023). Enhancing Student Engagement: Harnessing "AIED"'s Power in Hybrid Education - A Review Analysis. More information
Almusaed, A., Yitmen, I., Almssad, A. (2023). Enhancing Smart Home Design with AI Models: A Case Study of Living Spaces Implementation Review Energies, 16(6). More information
Papadonikolaki, E., Tezel, A., Yitmen, I., Hilletofth, P. (2023). Blockchain innovation ecosystems orchestration in construction Industrial management & data systems, 123(2), 672-694. More information
Gispert, D., Yitmen, I., Sadri, H., Taheri, A. (2023). Development of an ontology-based asset information model for predictive maintenance in building facilities Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. More information
Jaryani, S., Yitmen, I., Sadri, H., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2023). Exploring the Fusion of Knowledge Graphs into Cognitive Modular Production Buildings, 13(9). More information
Almusaed, A., Yitmen, I., Almssad, A. (2023). Reviewing and Integrating AEC Practices into Industry 6.0: Strategies for Smart and Sustainable Future-Built Environments Sustainability, 15(18) Basel, Switzerland: MDPI . More information
Sadri, H., Yitmen, I., Tagliabue, L., Westphal, F., Tezel, A., Taheri, A., Sibenik, G. (2023). Integration of Blockchain and Digital Twins in the Smart Built Environment Adopting Disruptive Technologies—A Systematic Review. More information
Yitmen, I., Al-Musaed, A., Yücelgazi, F. (2022). ANP model for evaluating the performance of adaptive façade systems in complex commercial buildings Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 29(1), 431-455. More information
Tagliabue, L., Yitmen, I. (2022). Special Issue Cognitive Buildings Applied Sciences, 12(5). More information
Sadri, H., Pourbagheri, P., Yitmen, I. (2022). Towards the implications of Boverket's climate declaration act for sustainability indices in the Swedish construction industry Building and Environment, 207 A. More information
Götz, C., Karlsson, P., Yitmen, I. (2022). Exploring applicability, interoperability and integrability of Blockchain-based digital twins for asset life cycle management Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 11(3), 532-558. More information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S., Akıner, İ., Akıner, M. (2021). An Adapted Model of Cognitive Digital Twins for Building Lifecycle Management Applied Sciences, 11(9). More information
Algan, T., Pedro, F., Eleni, P., Yitmen, I. (2021). Insights into Blockchain Implementation in Construction: Models for Supply Chain Management Journal of Management in Engineering, 37(4). More information
Movaffaghi, H., Yitmen, I. (2021). Multi-criteria decision analysis of timber–concrete composite floor systems in multi-storey wooden buildings Civil engineering and environmental systems (Print), 38(3), 161-175. More information
Sadrinooshabadi, S., Taheri, A., Yitmen, I., Jongeling, R. (2021). Requirement management in a life cycle perspective based on ISO 19650-1 and CoClass as the new classification system in Sweden Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 28(9), 2736-2753. More information
Akıner, İ., Yitmen, I., Akıner, M., Akıner, N. (2021). The memetic evolution of latin american architectural design culture Buildings, 11(7). More information
Almusaed, A., Yitmen, I., Almsaad, A., Akiner, İ., Akiner, M. (2021). Coherent investigation on a smart kinetic wooden façade based on material passport concepts and environmental profile inquiry Materials, 14(14). More information
Muhammad, A., Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S., Celik, T. (2020). Adoption of Virtual Reality (VR) for Site Layout Optimization of Construction Projects Teknik Dergi, 31(2). More information
Erkul, M., Yitmen, I., Celik, T. (2020). Dynamics of stakeholder engagement in mega transport infrastructure projects International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(7), 1465-1495. More information
Alizadehsalehi, S., Yitmen, I., Celik, T., Arditi, D. (2020). The effectiveness of an integrated BIM/UAV model in managing safety on construction sites International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 26(4), 829-844. More information
Yücelgazi, F., Yitmen, I. (2020). An ANP model for risk response assessment in large scale bridge projects Civil engineering and environmental systems (Print), 37(1-2), 1-27. More information
Tezel, A., Papadonikolaki, E., Yitmen, I., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Preparing construction supply chains for blockchain technology: An investigation of its potential and future directions Frontiers of Engineering Management, 7, 547-563. More information
Movaffaghi, H., Pyykkö, J., Yitmen, I. (2020). Value-driven design approach for optimal long-span timber-concrete composite floor in multi-storey wooden residential buildings Civil engineering and environmental systems (Print), 37(3), 100-116. More information
Almusaed, A., Almssad, A., Homod, R., Yitmen, I. (2020). Environmental profile on building material passports for hot climates Sustainability, 12(9). More information

Book chapter

Movaffaghi, H., Yitmen, I. (2024). Importance of decision-making in building materials selection. In: A. N. Haddad, A. W. A. Hammad and K. Figueiredo (Ed.), Materials Selection for Sustainability in the Built Environment: Environmental, Social and Economic Aspects (pp. 71 -85). More information
Movaffaghi, H., Yitmen, I. (2024). Case study III: Designing sustainable timber–concrete composite floor system. In: A. N. Haddad, A. W. A. Hammad and K. Figueiredo (Ed.), Materials Selection for Sustainability in the Built Environment: Environmental, Social and Economic Aspects (pp. 407 -418). More information
Yitmen, I. (2023). Preface. In: I. Yitmen (Ed.), Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and InfrastructureMore information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S., Akiner, M., Akiner, I. (2023). Integration of Digital Twins, Blockchain and AI in Metaverse Enabling Technologies and Challenges. In: I. Yitmen (Ed.), Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and Infrastructure: Challenges, Opportunities and Practices (pp. 39 -64). More information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2023). Enabling Technologies for Cognitive Digital Twins Towards Construction 4.0. In: I. Yitmen, S. Alizadehsalehi (Ed.), Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and Infrastructure: Challenges, Opportunities and Practices (pp. 1 -19). More information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2023). Synopsis of Construction 4.0-based Digital Twins to Cognitive Digital Twins. In: I. Yitmen (Ed.), Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and Infrastructure: Challenges, Opportunities and Practices (pp. 20 -38). More information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S., Akiner, I., Akiner, M. (2023). Knowledge Graph-based Approach for Adopting Cognitive Digital Twins in Shop-floor of Modular Production. In: I. Yitmen, S. Alizadehsalehi (Ed.), Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and Infrastructure Challenges, Opportunities and Practices (pp. 79 -100). More information
Yitmen, I., Sadri, H., Taheri, A. (2023). AI-Driven Digital Twins for Predictive Operation and Maintenance in Building Facilities. In: I. Yitmen & S. Alizadehsalehi (Ed.), Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and Infrastructure: Challenges, Opportunities and Practices (pp. 65 -78). More information
Tezel, A., Papadonikolaki, E., Yitmen, I., Bolpagni, M. (2022). Blockchain Opportunities and Issues in the Built Environment: Perspectives on Trust, Transparency and Cybersecurity. In: M. Bolpagni, R. Gavina and D. Ribeiro (Ed.), Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment: Methodologies, Technologies and Skills (pp. 569 -588). More information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2021). Overview of Cyber-Physical Systems and enabling technologies in cognitive computing for smart built environment. In: Ibrahim Yitmen (Ed.), BIM-enabled cognitive computing for smart built environment: Potential, requirements, and implementation Boca Raton: CRC Press More information
Yitmen, I., Alizadehsalehi, S. (2021). Towards a digital twin-based smart built environment. In: Ibrahim Yitmen (Ed.), BIM-enabled cognitive computing for smart built environment: Potential, requirements, and implementation Boca Raton: CRC Press More information

Conference paper

Sadri, H., Yitmen, I. (2024). Trends in the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing Built Environment Efficiency: A Case Study Analysis. ICCEPM 2024, The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management July 29 - August 1, 2024, Sapporo, Japan. More information
Lindholm, J., Johansson, P., Yitmen, I. (2023). Collaborative digital platform for integrated design and production planning and control: a literature review. 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction and the 40th International CIB W78 Conference, Crete, Greece, 10-12 July, 2023. More information
Sadri, H., Yitmen, I., Tagliabue, L., Westphal, F. (2023). A Conceptual Framework For Blockchain and Ai-Driven Digital Twins For Predictive Operation and Maintenance. 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction and Summer School 2023 CIB W78 40th International Conference and Charles M. Eastman PhD Award Heraklion 10 July 2023 through 12 July 2023. More information
Yitmen, I., Almusaed, A. (2022). Rethinking in the Intersectional Scene of the Ph.D. Supervision. IHSES 2022, International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, April 21-24, 2022, Los Angeles, USA. More information
Lennartsson, M., Yitmen, I., Movaffaghi, H., Linderoth, H. (2020). Framework for Digital Development in Industrialized Housebuilding. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 9th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2020), 7-8 October 2020, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Ozturk, G., Yitmen, I. (2019). Conceptual Model of Building Information Modeling Usage for Knowledge Management in Construction Projects. 3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS 2018). More information
Yucelgazi, F., Yitmen, I. (2019). Risk Assessment for Large-Scale Transport Infrastructure Projects. 3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS 2018). More information
Tezel, A., Papadonikolaki, E., Yitmen, I., Hilletofth, P. (2019). Preparing Construction Supply Chains for Blockchain: An Exploratory Analysis. CIB World Building Congress 2019 Constructing Smart Cities, Hong Kong SAR, China, 17 – 21 June 2019. More information
Movaffaghi, H., Pyykkö, J., Yitmen, I. (2019). Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Approach for Value-Driven Design in Industrialized Residential Multi-Storey Timber-Building. Växjö Compwood 2019 International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber Structures.ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, June 17-19, 2019, Växjö, Sweden.. More information
Movaffaghi, H., Pyykkö, J., Yitmen, I., Svensson, S. (2019). Large Span Timber Buildings Under Horizontal Forces. Italy: Elsevier, CIVIL-COMP 2019, The Sixteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing 16-19 September 2019, Lake Garda, Italy. More information
Movaffaghi, H., Yitmen, I. (2018). Developing a framework of a multi-objective and multi-criteria based approach for integration of LCA-LCC and dynamic analysis in industrialized multi-storey timber construction. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 35th CIB W78 2018 Conference: IT in Design, Construction,and Management, Chicago, 01-03 October 2018.. More information


(2023). Cognitive Digital Twins for Smart Lifecycle Management of Built Environment and Infrastructure: Challenges, Opportunities and Practices. Boca Raton: CRC Press More information
(2021). BIM-enabled cognitive computing for smart built environment: Potential, requirements, and implementation. Boca Raton: CRC Press More information