• CHILD in Vietnam
    Karina Huus and Ingalill Gimbler Berglund visits Vietnam to continue the research collaboration with Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy.
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  • Vacancies
    The research environment CHILD has got two vacancies. One as a Two Year Postdoctoral Fellowship and one as a Research Assistant. Come work with us!
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  • A new issue of CHILD's Newsletter
    In the fall of 2014 we start a new master's program called Interventions in Childhood . In CHILD's Newsletter you find more information about that and also about other research news.
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  • New meetings in the Swedish - South African collaboration
    CHILD's research collaboration with University of Pretoria is now on it's fifth year. Recently a group of Swedish researchers went to Pretoria to among other things; collect data and test utility of observation tools. Here is their story.
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