Gunilla Björling

Department of Nursing , School of Health and Welfare


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Gunilla Björling is Professor of Health and Care Sciences and Head of the Department of Nursing, School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University. She is also Professor of Nursing Science at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College with a demonstrated history of working in research. Skilled in Clinical Research, Lecturing, Science, Research, and Teaching. Gunilla has a strong education professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused in Medical, Anaesthesia- and Intensive Care, Nursing, and Technology in Health, Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Tanzania.

Dr Björling’s research area focuses mainly on the impact of various medical devices used in health care on the patient. This includes how the material in the medical technical products is affected by patient wear and the inner body environment, the correlation with complications and infection, or how that affects the patient’s quality of life. And are there better materials that can be used and in what way? She is currently a project- and research leader in a multidisciplinary collaborative project including researchers from other universities and hospitals in Europe in technology and health. The research the group conducts within the network is unique and explorative. The understanding of the material in medical devices which is actually inserted into the body and how affects the person living with the device is not always clear to those who work in the healthcare industry, nor to the companies that manufacture the products. It is easy to stigmatize the patient due to their illness or need, and it is extremely important to approach the patient with open eyes and think beyond the disease. The research group's work, with a focus on materials and patient-centred care within critical care, has been greatly appreciated due to its innovative and multidisciplinary approach.


Dallora, A. Andersson, E. Gregory Palm, B. Bohman, D. Björling, G. Marcinowicz, L. , ... Anderberg P. (2024). Nursing students’ attitudes toward technology: Multicenter cross-sectional study JMIR Medical Education, 10. More information
Gripewall, E., Fagerström, L., Kumlien, C., Mattsson, J., Nyholm, L., Björling, G. (2024). Swedish Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Views on Donation After Circulatory Death Before a National Implementation Sage Open Nursing, 10. More information
Ledin, E., Fasterius, L., Björling, G., Eriksson, A., Mattson, J. (2024). Technological lifelines: the everyday lived complexities of dependence and care of pediatric long-term tracheostomy Disability and Rehabilitation. More information
Pettersson, C., Forsén, J., Joelsson-Alm, E., Fridh, I., Björling, G., Mattsson, J. (2024). Piloting and watch over in the end-of-life care of intensive care unit patients with COVID-19— A qualitative study Nursing in Critical Care, 29(6), 1421-1428. More information
Jahrami, H., Husain, W., Lin, C., Björling, G., Potenza, M., Pakpour, A. (2024). Reliability generalization Meta-Analysis and psychometric review of the Gaming Disorder test (GDT): Evaluating internal consistency Addictive Behaviors Reports, 20. More information
Kidayi, P., Manhica, H., Mtuya, C., Johnson, M., Furaha, S., Aune, R., Björling, G. (2023). Quality of Cancer Care in Tanzania as Experienced by Patients: A Qualitative Study Sage Open Nursing, 9(January-December). More information
Alden-Joyce, T., Mattson, J., Scheers-Andersson, E., Kidayi, P., Rogathi, J., Cadstedt, J., Björling, G. (2023). Tanzanian Nursing Students' Experiences of Student Exchange in Sweden: A Qualitative Case Study Sage Open Nursing, 9. More information
Kidayi, P. Manhica, H. Nakazzi, S. Mtuya, C. Aune, R. Serventi, F. , ... Björling G. (2023). "Caring for Breast Cancer Patients Is a Work That Brings Sorrow": A Qualitative Interview Study with Nurses in Tanzania Sage Open Nursing, 9. More information
Kidayi, P. Pakpour, A. Saboonchi, F. Bray, F. Manhica, H. Mtuya, C. , ... Björling G. (2023). Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Swahili Version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-BR45 among Breast Cancer Patients in Tanzania Healthcare, 11(18). More information
Andersson, E., Dallora, A., Marcinowicz, L., Stjernberg, L., Björling, G., Anderberg, P., Bohman, D. (2023). Self-Reported eHealth literacy among nursing students in Sweden and Poland: The eNursEd cross-sectional multicentre study Health Informatics Journal, 29(4). More information
Gripewall, E., Kerstis, B., Björling, G., Fagerström, L., Mattsson, J., Widarsson, M., Nyholm, L. (2022). Intensive Care Nurses’ Experiences of Caring during the Organ Donor Process in Sweden: a Qualitative Study International Journal of Caring Sciences, 15(2), 720-726 Hellas . More information
Mattsson, J., Hedlund, E., George-Svahn, L., Scheers Andersson, E., Mazaheri, M., Björling, G. (2022). Nurses’ Experiences of Caring for Patients With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 in the Initial Stage of the Pandemic Sage Open Nursing, 8, 1-11. More information
Mattsson, J., Lunnelie, J., Löfholm, T., Scheers Andersson, E., Aune, R., Björling, G. (2022). Quality Of Life in Children With Home Mechanical Ventilation – A Scoping Review. More information
Mattsson, J., Meijers, J., Björling, G. (2022). Delirium, How Do Nurses Cope In The PICU Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 23(Supplement 1 11S). More information
Mattsson, J., Meijers, J., Björling, G. (2022). Challenges in Nursing Care of Children With Substance Withdrawal Syndrome in the PICU Sage Open Nursing, 8. More information
Hansson, J., Hörnfeldt, A., Björling, G., Mattsson, J. (2021). The Healthcare Staffs’ Perception of Parents’ Participation in Critical Incidents at the PICU, a Qualitative Study Nursing Reports, 11(3), 680-689. More information
George-Svahn, L., Eriksson, L., Wiklander, M., Björling, G., Svedhem, V., Brännström, J. (2021). Barriers to HIV testing as reported by individuals newly diagnosed with HIV infection in Sweden AIDS Care, 33(10), 1286-1295. More information
Hasselroth, R., Björling, G., Faag, C., Nahlén Bose, C. (2021). “Can Someone as Young as You Really Feel That Much Pain?” – A Survey on How People With Fibromyalgia Experience Healthcare in Sweden Sage Open Nursing, 7. More information
Manhica, H. Kidayi, P. Carelli, I. Gränsmark, A. Nsubuga, J. George-Svahn, L. , ... Björling G. (2021). Promoting sustainable health and wellbeing for pregnant adolescents in Uganda – A qualitative case study among health workers International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 14. More information
Manninen, K., Björling, G., Kuznecova, J., Lakanmaa, R. (2020). Ethical Coffee Room: An international collaboration in learning ethics digitally Nursing Ethics, 27(8), 1655-1668. More information
Nahlén Bose, C., Saboonchi, F., Persson, H., Björling, G., Elfström, M. (2020). Adaptation of Coping Effectiveness Training for Patients With Heart Failure and Patient-Reported Experience of the Intervention Journal of Patient Experience, 7(6), 1054-1061. More information
Anderberg, P., Björling, G., Stjernberg, L., Bohman, D. (2019). Analyzing Nursing Students' Relation to Electronic Health and Technology as Individuals and Students and in Their Future Career (the eNursEd Study): Protocol for a Longitudinal Study JMIR Research Protocols, 8(10). More information
Antoniadou, I., Soltannia, M., Björling, G., Mattsson, J. (2019). Moving from Participation towards Partnership in Nursing Care Anaesthesia & Surgery Open Access Journal, 1(3), 1-8. More information
Larsson, L., Antoniadou, I., Björling, G., Mattsson, J. (2019). Healthcare Professionals Use of Mobile Phones in the Operating Theatre Acta Scientific Paediatrics, 2(12), 66-72 USA: Acta Scientific . More information
Mattsson, J., Östlund, B., Björling, G., Williamsson, A., Eriksson, A. (2019). Interprofessional Learning for Enhanced Patient Safety: Biomedical Engineering Students and Nursing Students in Joint Learning Activities Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 9(1). More information
Björling, G., Johansson, D., Bergström, L., Strekalovsky, A., Sanchez, J., Frostell, C., Kalman, S. (2018). Evaluation of central venous catheters coated with a noble metal alloy - A randomized clinical pilot study of coating durability, performance and tolerability Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B - Applied biomaterials, 106(6), 2337-2344. More information
Östlund, B., Björling, G., Stridh, S., Sahlström, M., Mattsson, J. (2018). Digitizing Health Care in Collaboration Between Nursing and Engineering: Two cases of strategic learning and implementationof robots in the homes of elderly people International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 10(1 & 2), 11-22. More information
Frostell, C., Björling, G., Strömberg, E., Karlsson, S., Aune, R. (2017). Tracheal implants revisited The Lancet, 389(10075), 1191-. More information
Björling, G. (2016). När doktorn ljuger – vem kan vi då lita på? Aftonbladet Stockholm: Schibsted Forlag . More information
Nahlen Bose, C., Persson, H., Björling, G., Ljunggren, G., Elfström, M., Saboonchi, F. (2016). Evaluation of a Coping Effectiveness Training intervention in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 15(7), 537-548. More information
Nahlen Bose, C., Elfström, M., Björling, G., Persson, H., Saboonchi, F. (2016). Patterns and the mediating role of avoidant coping style and illness perception on anxiety and depression in patients with chronic heart failure Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 30(4), 704-713. More information
Björling, G., Johansson, D., Bergström, L., Jalal, S., Kohn, I., Frostell, C., Kalman, S. (2015). Tolerability and performance of BIP endotracheal tubes with noble metal alloy coating: a randomized clinical evaluation study BMC Anesthesiology, 15, 1-10. More information
Nahlen Bose, C., Björling, G., Elfström, M., Persson, H., Saboonchi, F. (2015). Implementation of coping effectiveness training in patients with chronic heart failure: participants evaluations indicate psychosocial benefits European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 14(S1), S10. More information
Nahlen Bose, C., Björling, G., Elfstrom, M., Persson, H., Saboonchi, F. (2015). Assessment of Coping Strategies and Their Associations With Health Related Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure: the Brief COPE Restructured Cardiology Research, 6(2), 239-248. More information
Nürnberg Damström, D., Saboonchi, F., Sackey, P., Björling, G. (2011). A preliminary validation of the Swedish version of the critical-care pain observation tool in adults Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 55(4), 379-386. More information
Moore, A. Cetti, E. Haj-Yahia, S. Carby, M. Björling, G. Karlsson, S. , ... Polkey M. (2010). Unilateral extrapulmonary airway bypass in advanced emphysema Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 89(3), 899-906. More information
Backman, S. Björling, G. Johansson, U. Lysdahl, M. Markström, A. Schedin, U. , ... Karlsson S. (2009). Material wear of polymeric tracheostomy tubes: A six-month study The Laryngoscope, 119(4), 657-664. More information
Björling, G. (2009). Long-term tracheostomy: How to do it Breathe, 5(3), 204-213 Lausanne, Switzerland: European Respiratory Society . More information
Björling, G., Belin, A., Hellström, C., Schedin, U., Ransjö, U., Alenius, M., Johansson, U. (2007). Tracheostomy inner cannula care: A randomized crossover study of two decontamination procedures American Journal of Infection Control, 35(9), 600-605. More information
Björling, G. Axelsson, S. Johansson, U. Lysdahl, M. Markström, A. Schedin, U. , ... Karlsson S. (2007). Clinical use and material wear of polymeric tracheostomy tubes The Laryngoscope, 117(9), 1552-1559. More information
Björling, G., Johansson, U., Andersson, G., Schedin, U., Markström, A., Frostell, C. (2006). A retrospective survey of outpatients with long-term tracheostomy Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 50(4), 399-406. More information

Doctoral thesis

Björling, G. (2007). Long-Term Tracheostomy: Outcome, Cannula care, and Material Wear (Doctoral thesis, Stockholm: Karolinska institutet). More information

Conference paper

Björling, G. (2018). Material Wear of Medical Technical Products: Impact on patient safety. 2nd International Biotechnology Congress, From innovation to Practice, Fukuoka, Japan, Ocotber 14-16, 2018.. More information
Fossum, M., Tunc, Z., Strömberg, E., Frostell, C., Liljegren, A., Björling, G., Aune, R. (2018). In-vitro and In-vivo Exposure of Intravascular Catheters to Cytostatic Drugs. International Conference on Biomaterials, London, August 16-18, 2018. More information
Björling, G. Aune, R. Strömberg, E. Lindberg, J. Burgstaller, C. Egizabal, A. , ... Frostell C. (2017). Risk Evaluation of Therapy Medical Devices and Implants for Increased Patient Safety: REMISS Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action. Medicinteknikdagarna, Västerås, 2017. More information
Östlund, B., Björling, G., Mattsson, J., Stridh, S., Sahlström, M. (2017). Technology in Health Care: A new research and teaching subject in collaboration between nursing science and engineering. The Ninth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine eTELEMED, Nice, France, 2017. More information
Björling, G., Fossum, M., Aune, R. (2017). Cytostatika-inducerad materialnedbrytning av subkutana venportar: En preliminär jämförande in-vitro och in-vivostudie. Forskningens dag Danderyds Sjukhus. More information
Björling, G., Johansson, D., Sanchez, J., Frostell, C., Bergström, L., Kalman, S. (2017). Evaluation of Tolerability and Performance of BIP Central Venous Catheter with a noble metal alloy coating: A Clinical Tolerability Study. 34th SSAI Congress, Malmö, September 6-8, 2017. More information
Fossum, M., Strömberg, E., Sanchez, J., Rotstein, S., Björling, G., Aune, R. (2015). Preliminary In-Vitro Study of Surface Altera1ons of Subcutaneous Venous Access Ports Exposed to Antineoplastic Drugs and Whole Blood. TMS 2015 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 15-19, 2015.. More information
Mlay, I., Msuya, M., Björling, G. (2015). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Breast Cancer Screening Among Women of Child Bearing Age at KCMC Referral Hospital in Moshi Urban, Kilimanjaro Region – Tanzania. Human Rights and Health and the Astrid Janzon Symposium The Swedish Red Cross University College, Stockholm, November 26-27, 2015.. More information
Mollel, M., Msuya, M., Sabuni, S., Björling, G. (2015). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on the Use of Helmets Among Commercial Motorcyclists in Moshi Town, Tanzania: A Cross Sectional Study. Human Rights and Health and the Astrid Janzon Symposium The Swedish Red Cross University College, Stockholm, November 26-27, 2015.. More information
Kako, F., Msuya, M., Björling, G. (2015). Study on Factors Influencing Participation to Continuous Professional Development Among Nurses Working at Mawenzi Regional Hospital in Moshi Municipal Council, Tanzania. Human Rights and Health and the Astrid Janzon Symposium The Swedish Red Cross University College, Stockholm, November 26-27, 2015.. More information
Kimario, T., Msuya, M., Chuck Mtutuya, C., Björling, G. (2015). Factors Affecting Hiv Disclosure Among Partners Attending Care and Treatment at a Regional Hospital in Tanzania. Human Rights and Health and the Astrid Janzon Symposium The Swedish Red Cross University College, Stockholm, November 26-27, 2015.. More information


Björling, G., Samuelsson, B. (2001). Livskvalitet hos äldre människor med utvecklingsstörning. Stockholm: Stiftelsen Stockholms läns äldrecentrum More information